Wednesday, July 31, 2019

India Today Essay

Slowly, but surely, in the year 2000, India is beginning to erase the Nehruvian social contract that created the public sector and bound the employees to a corporate unit and the corporate unit to the nation. In the age of restructuring and re-engineering that this has ushered, employees are no longer valued resources but expendable commodities. And likewise, the employers are no longer demi-gods and fuedal lords in one. They are going to become one with a mind-boggling scenario of a private sector, where the growing manager with the corporate experience of a lifetime might suddenly be written off as hopelessly old fashioned; and replaced with a young nerd, who along with, maybe the new owner’s driver, will be sitting on a stack of stock-options valued in millions. Clearly it is time to think seriously about wealth and what it means to be wealthy in India today. The last time Indians thought self-cautiously about being rich through joint holdings with non blacks, was in the 19th Century when the East India Company revealed to the worldly wise Indians occupying crucial positions within the system, the plunder-potential of their land. They got busy right away. This continued for almost a century till historic events triggered off a freedom struggle under Gandhi over the equitable distribution and domestication of India’s wealth. The idealism lasted barely two decades. Political debates then were all about the baneful influence of capitalism and money. It was okay to generate jobs but not great wealth which could corrupt our most sacred institutions. Slowly some crusading investigative journalists and economists followed this logic and began to glean disturbing facts about the trumpeters of this brand of Hindu socialism. They made dark revelations repeatedly about questionable personal behaviour and financial chicanery that they had discovered among various political groups in power.

Politeness Strategies Used by Comedian in Stand-Up Comedy Metro Tv Indonesia (Pragmatic Study)

A. 3 Background of the Study From past to present, entertainment stage would never die, because every people always need some kind of refreshment after they work or when they feel bored, for example they can go to the amusement park or recreation on the weekend, and they can also watch a comedy stage. But the writer thinks people will tend to choose to watch the stage of comedy on a television, because they can laugh and forget about thier fatigue easily without going anywhere. In modern era the fulfilment of a comedy spectacle will be very easy, because television makes us closer to anything.Nowadays we can get various types of comedy shows in Indonesian television; there are ketoprak, lenong, opera comedy, ludruk, musical comedy, comedy reality show, etc. In Indonesia, the latest version of comedy and quite dense now is stand-up comedy. Stand-up comedy is the art, initially developed in the United States, of humorous dialogue presented before an audience. The talk itself is memoriz ed and, today, usually expressed in a spontaneous conversational manner, as if the performer were speaking to friends.Although it tends to be one-sided, there may be interaction between performer and audience, which the former does not always want. Often verbal content is augmented with a range of theatrical embellishments such as special costumes and props, grunts, snorts, and howls, bodily movements and facial gestures. The typical act consists of anecdotes, narrative jokes, one-liners, and short descriptive monologues, which may or may not be related. (Stebbins, 1990) In Indonesia, stand-up comedy is considered as a new type of comedy show, and it started to become famous and widely shown on television in 2011.KompasTV is the television station that present and introduce the show of stand-up comedy for the first time, and now popularized by MetroTV. And there are also auditions held in many cafe for the open mic. The open mic is the term for testing the ability to provoke laughte r of the audience, if comedians succeed in making audience laugh in open mic, this automatically lifts their name as a comics. So they can go to stand-up comedy stage and might be shown on television. Because comedians always have any idea to performs joke with their own style and characteristic in language.There are some studies about stand up comedy, for example, Limon (2000) who studied about the existence of Jewish in stand-up comedy in America, Schwarzm (2010) tried to explore linguistic aspects of verbal humour in stand-up Comedy, Falk (2010) explained about the representations of ethnicity in stand-up comedy, and Lockyer (2011) also studied about stand-up comedy, and he focussed on the audience perspective. The several researchers above are interested in stand-up comedy and the language also relation between comics and the audience.However they did not explore about politeness issue in language used by comedian or comics, so that the writer will try to conduct a study about t hat. Hopefully this research can be very useful for any studies about linguistics and also for researchers who focus are interested in this case. The topic of politeness strategies have been utilized by several researchers. One of them is a research conducted by Ika Puspita Wati (2010) entitled â€Å"Politeness strategies used in the ‘Today’s Dialogue’ Talk Show†.This research tried to find out the kind of politeness strategies used in the talk show and the context in which the strategies emerge. But it is still different from the writer’s study in the term of the object of the study, the factors lead to the emergence of politeness strategies as well as the determined contexts. This research focuses on the use of language especially the using of politeness strategy in stand-up comedy show by comedians. The purpose of this study is to discover any existence of the politeness strategies used by comedians in stand-up comedy in Indonesia. B.Statement of The Problem 1. What kinds of politeness strategies used by comedians in stand-up comedy show? C. Literature Review 1. Politeness Strategies According to Brown and Levinson (1987), â€Å"Politeness strategies are strategies that are developed in order to save the hearer’s face†. There are four kinds of politeness strategies introduced by Brown and Levinson; they are Bald On-Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness and Off-Record. Bald On-Record is a politeness strategy which is used more directly and usually does not attempt to minimize the threat to the hearer’s face.This strategy is most often utilized in situations where the speaker has a close relationship with the hearer. On the contrary, Bald-Off Record strategies is mostly used through indirect language and avoid the speaker to be imposed by the interlocutor. Furthermore, positive politeness strategies seek to minimize the threat to the hearer’s positive face, the desire to be approved. It is used to make the hearer feel good about himself, his interests or possessions. It is mostly used in situations in which the hearer knows each other fairly well.As the opposite of positive politeness, negative politeness strategies are oriented towards the hearer’s negative face, the desire to be unimpeded in one’s action, and emphasize avoidance of imposition on the hearer. Face refers to the â€Å"public self-image that every member [of a society] wants to claim for himself† (Brown and Levinson, 1987: 66). To maintain the other's face means to recognize and respect the claim members of society make with respect to each other in interaction. The act of communicating such an acknowledgment is politeness.Face (Brown and Levinson, 1987) is assumed to be of two types: positive face, or the want to be approved of by others, and negative face, or the want to be unimpeded by others. Acts that run contrary to these wants threaten the face of the speaker (e. g. apolog ies) or the hearer (e. g. requests). Certain acts of politeness, such as orders or requests, are intrinsically face-threatening (FTA) and thus require strategic redress. D. Method of the Study D. 1 Research Approach The aim of this study is to figure out the kind of politeness strategies used in stand-up comedy show in Indonesia by comedians.The writer applies qualitative approach to interpret the data in transcript, because the process to get the data deals with video recording. According Merriam (1999) characterises qualitative research as understanding the meaning people have constructed in which the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis. It usually involves fieldwork as primarily employing an inductive research strategy focusing on process, meaning and understanding resulting in a richly descriptive product.D. 2 Population and Sample The population of the data is the videos of stand-up comedy Indonesia in 2011 which are broadcasted by MetroTV and uploaded on YouTube site. There are so many videos on YouTube about stand-up comedy, especially for stand-up comedy which shown in Indonesia. Then the writer will only choose the top five videos which have highest rating and subscriber on YouTube, and the videos of comedians became a sample for this research.The reason of choosing these samples is because the videos become the best in YouTube for stand-up comedy Indonesia which contains of comedian’s speeches and jokes who got the best response from the audience and the subscriber of their videos on YouTube. D. 3 Technique of Data Collection The first thing that the researcher will do is collecting the data by downloading the videos that have been recorded by the official of stand-up comedy organizer from YouTube site. After downloading the videos the researcher will transcribe the speech of the comedians from the videos into text files.After that the writer will observe directly to the aspect of politeness strategies used by comedians from that transcript. And then the data from transcript will be classified based on the theory of politeness strategy. D. 4 Technique of Data Analysis After making the transcription of the data from videos of comedian, the researcher will identify it into several types of data based on the theory of politeness strategy; they are Bald On-Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness and Off-Record as Brown and Levinson introduced in their theory.And then writer tries to conduct an analysis based on classified data, why some of their speech classified as one of the types of politeness strategies theory. And then after that the writer will interpret why the comedians act like that in stand-up comedy show and why they speech. Eventually, the writer comes to the last step which is making a conclusion. D. 5 Scope and Limitation of the Study This study focuses to observe the politeness strategies used by comedian in stand-up comedy stage, especially stand-up comedy Indonesia that showed up by MetroTv and then become famous in Indonesia.The videos uploaded again by YouTube in internet, so subscriber can watch and give comments or subscribes the videos. This study narrows its discussion to the study of the way comedians use politeness strategy in stand-up comedy Indonesia in which audience expectation about comedy is become the main reason. It does not cover all discussion of politeness strategies occur in all contexts of males and females or every aspect in stand-up comedy. D. 6 Significance of the StudyThe study has the aim to give the contribution to everyone who wants to get the knowledge about the research of politeness strategy, especially how the way a comedian performs to fulfil the audience expectation in comedy stage using politeness strategy, and also the communication between comics as a comedian and the audience in stand-up comedy show which delivered by monologues trough politeness strategies. The research is also enriching the knowledge abo ut the uniqueness of stand-up comedy and some communication aspects of comics when telling a joke that supplies other researchers the reference and literary analysis.References Ardissono, L. , ; Boella, G. (1999). Politeness and speech acts. Torino: http://www. di. unito. it/. Brown, P. , ; Levinson, S. C. (1987). Politeness: Some Universal in Language Usage. New York: Cambridge University Press. Falk, O. (2010). Representations of ethnicity in stand-up comedy: A study of the comedy of Dave Chappelle. Gothemburg: University of Gothemburg, Department of languages and literature. Holmes, J. (2008). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Great Britain: Pearson. Jenkins, M. (1985). What's so funny? Joking among women. In S. Bremmer, N. Caskey, & B. moonwomon, Proceedings of the first Berkeley Women and Language Conference (pp. 135-151). California: Berkeley Women and Language Group. Lockyer, S. (2011). ‘It’s about expecting the unexpected’: Live stand-up comedy from th e audiences’ perspective, Participations. Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 165-188. Merriam, S. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study: Applications in education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Schwarz, J. (2010). Linguistic Aspects of Verbal Humor.Saarlandes: der Universitat des Saarlandes. Stebbins, R. A. (1990). The Laugh-Makers: Stand-Up Comedy As Art, Business, and Life-Style. McGill-Queen's University Press. Wati, I. P. (2010). Politeness Strategies used in the ‘Today's Dialogue' Talk Show†. Surabaya: Faculty of Humanities Airlangga University. POLITENESS STRATEGIES USED BY COMEDIAN IN STAND-UP COMEDY METRO TV INDONESIA (PRAGMATIC STUDY) THESIS WRITING DESIGN ANGGIE BAGUS PURWONO 120710366 ENGLISH DEPARTEMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AIRLANGGA UNIVERSITY SURABAYA 2012

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mr. Know All by W. Somerset Maugham

First of all I want to begin with the narrative perspective. In the short story â€Å"Mr. Know-All† by William Somerset Maugham there is a first person narrator, who takes an active part in the story. He is a very important character. It is not easy to tell whether he is a minor or a major character. On the one hand he is a major character because the way he presents Mr. Kelada influences the reader a lot. On the other hand he is just a minor character because he is only the presenter of Mr. Kelada. The reader never can see him in real action when he is without Mr. Kelada. He is just present to tell the reader what Mr. Kelada does and how he behaves. Furthermore he is a minor character because the whole story deals with Mr. Kelada. In my point of view Mr. Kelada is the protagonist and the narrator is the foil, the so called contrast figure. He only reflects the good and the bad features of the protagonist. In this particular story the foil reflects more the negative than the positive traits. The narrator himself is an English snob. He is not very fond of staying with somebody else in a cabin for fourteen days. Furthermore he is biased about foreigners, because â€Å"I should have looked upon it with less dismay if my fellow-passenger?s name had been Smith or Brown. † 1 That sentences shows that he values the British higher than people of foreign origin. He is very biased about foreigners and especially about Mr. Kelada. Throughout the story – but especially in the first 45 lines (and that is more than the first half of the short-story) – the narrator expresses his racist view. Consequently he depicts some incidents that make him despise Mr. Kelada. It is not only the name which arouses suspicion, because as he tells â€Å"When I went on board I found Mr. Kelada?s luggage already there. I did not like the the look of it; there were too many labels on the suitcase [†¦ ]† 2 They make him believe that Mr. Kelada is a man with savoir-faire†¦.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Apocalypse Now, by Francis Ford Coppola (War in Vietnam) Movie Review

Apocalypse Now, by Francis Ford Coppola (War in Vietnam) - Movie Review Example ion concerning the realities, which the members of the American armed forces had to undergo during the Vietnam War and the actions which they took to ensure that they survived it and returned home. Throughout the film, one will find that all of the actors have become absorbed into their roles and because of this absorption; they are able to depict the events of the war in a manner which is as close to reality as possible. There are instances in the film when the scenes become extremely emotional, as some of the characters have to deal with diverse issues that affect their lives during the war. It is during these moments that the audience gets a picture of how the soldiers who were involved directly in Vietnam were forced to undergo psychological torment over the various actions which they had to carry out, however futile, in order to ensure that the war was won. One of the themes that one finds in the film is that of depression and war weariness and some of the characters in various scenes depict this during the course of the film. In the film, the American soldiers are depicted as having to live lives in a manner which is not relaxed and that they have to constantly be on the look out to ensure that they do not fall victim to enemy attacks. For the most part, the film shows these individuals as having to live their lives on edge, not knowing whether they will be attacked in the next minute or not and having to either fight off or run away from the constant dangers that they encounter in the jungles of Vietnam. The result of living such lives is that it begins to take a toll on the way that they associate with each other and how they perceive the world around them. The result is that some of the characters, such as Chef and Lance undergo such mental strain that they are more often than not shown being under the influence of drugs. A scene i s depicted where due to Chef’s craving for mangoes; he and Willard go to the jungle where they encounter a tiger that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An Issue of Two Courts Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Issue of Two Courts - Case Study Example Given the fact that the charges that are to be leveled against the officer and the agency in particular have low chances of standing as criminal charges with intent to murder, in all probabilities, it would be certain that the charges could be changed to civil penalties. Greene (2006) states that there are three types of general torts that could be brought up against the police officer and the agency. These would include Tort is a private injury inflicted on one person by another, where the plaintiff is the injured party. Negligence is alleged when a defendant should have anticipated their acts or omissions would result in an injury. The key factors in these cases are that of reasonableness. The US Supreme Court has affirmed that the right to access to the court's assures that no person will be denied the opportunity to present to the judiciary allegations concerning violations of fundamental constitutional rights. US courts have fundamentally presumed that damage actions against the federal government- although not injunctive relief- must be authorized by the US Congress through an explicit waiver of immunity enjoyed by them. Shelton, (2001) states that at present, the Federal Tort Claims Act makes the state and state agencies liable for money damagesfor injury or loss of property or personal injury or death caused by federal government agents. For example both the FTCA, 28 U.S.C. 1346(b), 2671-2680 (1988 and Supp. IV 1992) and the Tucker Act, 28 U.S.C. 1346(a). It must also be remembered that individual agents are no longer immune from liability in USA where a wrongful act in violation of the constitution by a federal agent acting under color of law gives rise to a cause of action for damages against agents, according to the US Supreme Court (Bivens v Six Unknown Named Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics). What one needs to be remember here is that moonlighting is not against the constitution and hence there can be no constitutional violation charge can be brought against the agency or the officer. The greatest probability in the context of the case is the charge of intentional tort against the officer and a charge of vicarious liability against the agency for hiring police officers that made it a habit of moonlighting while nature of the job that they do demands that they give it their whole and undivided attention. Intentional tort would be a voluntary commission of an act that to a substantial certainty will injure another person. This is in fact a large possibility given the fact that an officer who had finished a job at 3:30 am in the morning could not be expected to be in his full senses or give his best to another job of a nature as sensitive as public security is. The agency can also be brought under the jurisdiction of damages by the plaintiff under the scope of vicarious liability, which states that A legal doctrine that holds the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Understanding of English 200 course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Understanding of English 200 course - Essay Example Understanding of English 200 course In a more coherent and well argued out basis, this paper aims at reflecting upon my learning as an English 200 student, and to subsequently put into focus the various English knowledge and related works. For the purposes of this significant analysis, I will put my arguments within the scope of the English 200 syllabus. Within the larger description, English 200 is suitable designed to help students write for a variety of purposes that cuts across various English genres, including research essay and theoretical analysis. While interacting with the course content and course material, many emphases placed to rhetorical challenges in knowledge generation from literary materials and texts and for such I undertook personal and well researched literary essays to demonstrate my understanding of the subject matter. Of importance, my original literary compositions and analysis identified as The Ceremony, Curiosity killed the cat, The Mirror, and a critique of the famous play by Sophocles entit led, Antigone. From the onset of my English classes, I have always been a critical thinker; my subsequent and regular interaction with the right course content and materials in English 200 class has further improved my analytical skills as a critical thinker when examining literary texts. My desire for knowledge acquisition in English 200 influenced more as I constantly look at the ‘why’ platform of an author’s literary text rather than just focusing on the author’s literal meaning as depicted in the text. ... equent and regular interaction with the right course content and materials in English 200 class has further improved my analytical skills as a critical thinker when examining literary texts. My desire for knowledge acquisition in English 200 influenced more as I constantly look at the ‘why’ platform of an author’s literary text rather than just focusing on the author’s literal meaning as depicted in the text. Subsequently, my exposure to rhetorical literary analysis, essay research, close reading, critical analysis, and to a larger extent creative thinking have enabled me to gain insightful rich knowledge into different writing styles such that am able to continuously and with much ease create a sustained arguments in any given literary text for a harmonious understanding of any literary text. Moving in a progressive manner throughout the English 200 class in literary analysis from presenting simple facts to building a sustained argument of the various lite rary components and intentions within various literary complexities, I have indeed expanded my reasoning faculties and mental abilities. At the earlier inception stages of this course, I undertake an in depth and informative discussions concerning critical literary analysis. This whole learning process proceeded through critical essay composition, related theories, pedagogical writing of the critique essay, group discussions, and conference presentations of literary review process. At the end, I submitted a well-researched paper on Antigone with special emphasis on 442BC classic writing. Within this literary analysis, deliberate efforts made in connecting the literary intentions of the earlier literary writing to a modern audience while unearthing the intentions of Sophocles in discussing kinship and family

Friday, July 26, 2019

What We Know About the Achievement Gap Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What We Know About the Achievement Gap - Essay Example Among the reasons why there is persistence of the gap include the following issues; Large class size as one of the factors that contribute to the persistence of the achievement gap (Taylor). I have realized that because the ratio of students to teachers is not equal and, therefore, all pupils will not get full attention from their teacher. In the analysis of literature, it is evident that there are factors that relate to the students ability in school (Paige and Witty) according to reading I have used. For instance, the student might be lacking interest in school, or they are totally not putting in much effort to boost their achievement. In addition, Poor teacher preparation as well as low expectations of students is also some of the factors that contribute to the persistence of the success gap in an institution according to Chubb and Loveless. If the teacher is not going to plan the lessons in a way that the students can easily comprehend. With respect to realization of the concepts of the gap, I realize that there will be a significant achievement gap that will give both students and the teachers a hard time to settle. In order for the achievement gap to reduce, the management should ensure that they provide a conducive environment for learning. Moreover, the teachers should also work together with students towards their set objectives in order to reduce the performance

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The implication of diversity on human resource, organization,and Research Paper

The implication of diversity on human resource, organization,and stakeholders - Research Paper Example The main point to be noticed here is that numbers of minorities within the workforce who are qualified and educated have increased and this makes it compulsory for the organizations to attract, hire and recruit member of the workforce who are recognized as minority. Research has been conducted for several years and the results of these researches is that hiring individuals who represent the minority s not enough to achieve success and efficiency within the organization. Questions have even been raised against the effectiveness of the training programs of diversity implemented by organizations. Those organizations that fail to attain success in creating a diversified work environment have experienced the negative implications of diversity. Such events have been experienced by world’s top most organizations such as Wal-Mart and Coca-Cola (Samson 511). When organizations fail to integrate and attain diversity, they experience downsides such as law suits based on discrimination. T hose organizations that have been successful in integrating diversity have attained favorable results and rewards. The failure to achieve diversity and deal with diversity in an effective manner is a problematic situation for private firms and firms that contribute to the list of Fortune 500 companies. These issues have not even spared the public and the nonprofit sector which is already deeply concerned due to financial issues. These organizations are mostly held responsible for not spending money on the activities of human resource management such as training and development, hiring and retention. Problems will further elevate for these organizations as Baby Boomers will obtain retirement and a shortage in the workforce will be created. According to the conventional business case in the favor of diversity, organizations should manage their diverse workforce in an appropriate manner to attain competitive advantage over its competitors. This is very essential for organizations becau se the demographics of the workforce are changing on daily basis. According to Soni, during the period of 1990 the total workforce of US comprised of 73% white and 27% minority individuals, the statistics changed to 30% minority and 70% white individuals within a time frame of ten years (Soni, 2004) . This clearly shows that employers need to pay attention to the element of diversity as the minorities are becoming an integral part of the workforce. Various benefits of diversity have been realized by organizations, diversity helps an organization in achieving its aims and objectives. This happens because employees who belong to different cultures and society play a major ole in generation of ideas and solutions to issues experienced by organizations. Diversity will lead to creation of creative teams and creativity within teams will increase and this will lead to designing and development of creative products. Another major benefit of having a diversified workforce is that diverse wor kforce is able to attract diverse amount of customers (Champoux 30). Customers feel more relaxed and want to buy more from organizations that are able to understand what their needs and wants are. Diversified workforce is able to communicate with customers according to their cultural context which makes the customers feel comfortable as they are able to express their

Evaluate critically the effectiveness of large scale surveys in Essay

Evaluate critically the effectiveness of large scale surveys in measuring flexible employment in the UK - Essay Example Similarly, it is difficult to see with any clarity how these present drivers of the "new economy" will be changing the world of work and related issues. All that is known for sure is that the changes will be equally unpredictable and diverse. Work in the new economy or the information age is fundamentally different fro the industrial economy. The world is shifting to the "New Wave" information technology led economy. However, regulatory environments, social norms or academic research have to cope with both industrial age and new economy at the same time. It is generally accepted through large-scale surveys on the changes in employment that, above all, flexible employment is here to stay. What is not clear from surveys is the definition of what such work should be. In any case, the present version of flexible employment fails to keep pace with fast changing technological environments in Britain. Surveys, government sponsored or funded by private bodies, do not show how trends in emplo yment impact families, gender specific situations, and the work force in general. A flexible work force is paid normal rates to fulfil work, which is just adequate to require its services. The question is tied to fiscal and business issues. This deserves to be examined with the relevant perspectives in mind. Current research needs to adapt to changing situation. (Tones & Tilford, 2001) This is not merely an academic concern. ... An effective solution needs to be found for the problem of mismatch in skilled labour versus demand. The search for a solution merges academic and business based research bearing on fiscal and regulatory measures governing business, the needs and motivations of the labour force. The greatest problems are not technical. In fact, employees realize the imperatives for change and are open minded to it. The technology required is at hand and improves all the time. What is required is convincing academic research to support the business environment. What business will require at this point of time is guidance on how to implement and manage flexibility in the work place. Issues of social security and taxation within business remain firmly rooted in the industrial age. Clearly academic research is not keeping up with the pace of change experienced in the real world.Change is taking place in the world of work, which is indicated by a shift in emphasis from norms of permanent employment at one location. The academic community is equipped to face challenges at the macro level, and can influence governments, and suggest answers to questions raised about work in an emerging new economy. Nevertheless, ongoing research and surveys will be effective if the reality of the emerging work environments is accepted. We are already living the future. (King, 2005) The rise of services The traditional manufacturing sector measured as a share of GNP and in terms of numbers employed has declined in all mature industrial economies. On the other hand, the service sector has had a healthy growth, often complementing industrial processes. However, many of the new services are in fact industry-related services. For example, an in-house design team working for a manufacturer would be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Charles & Ray Eames Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Charles & Ray Eames - Movie Review Example Finally, their refusal to accept art/architecture, and function at face value meant that they had a unique ability to think outside the box and incorporate new and oftentimes unthought-of designs into objects as mundane as furniture or as complex as modern representation of minimalistic art (Schinler 1). It was further interesting that the documentary noted that it was difficult to pin down exactly what Ray and Charles Eames were. This fact in and of itself is highly useful for the viewer to understand the fact that the artists themselves did not consider themselves to be constrained by a singular definition with relation to being an architect, artist, designer, or any other such label which would only serve to constrain the artistic endeavors that the pair regularly engaged upon. Further, the documentary noted that the pair could be viewed as the Google of their time; as they were so revolutionary and so creative that they continually wowed their clients with the designs that they could come up with. Schinler, Sarah. "A Rare Look At The Eames Offices Graphic Design." Co.Design. N.p., 14 Apr. 2011. Web. 26 Nov. 2012.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Questionnaire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questionnaire - Essay Example This trend should be curtailed through effective legal channels. We are looking for 50 participants. The survey shall take you approximately 10 minutes. The results of the survey shall be used with other research methods to analyse the existing status quo of the issue of spouses conspiring to kill partners in order to inherit estates. We hope your response shall assist us in determining the public view of this issue. This shall be a confidential survey: your personal information shall remain private, for which you may sign an undertaking in signature space below. We understand your time is valuable but hope you would be able to complete this survey by February ---, 2012. Pretesting shall be carried out through a small group of 4 individuals from the University to test the validity and ease of completing the survey. The group shall be targeted with 2 males and 2 females, and who have some knowledge on the issue of murder and estate inheritance. The test survey shall be analysed and if any inappropriate questions become evident, those shall be corrected before the launch of the actual survey. The survey shall be set to be conducted through a focussed group of batches of 20 people both through the Internet and through face-to-face interview. Face-to-face survey shall be a good option as it will facilitate authentic response and fast. Any reservations that participants have shall be clarified on the spot by the Administrator. However, realising the sensitivity of the issue, the survey shall also be conducted online by uploading a form whereby the responder can answer questions without apprehension about being found out. Although the Administrator is aware that such a method shall have some deviation in result tabulation, it shall offer diversity in analysis and encourage timid responders to participate in the

Monday, July 22, 2019

If Money doesnt Make You Happy; Then Your Not Spending It Right Critique Essay Example for Free

If Money doesnt Make You Happy; Then Your Not Spending It Right Critique Essay The belief that money lead to ultimate happiness was circulated among mankind and perceived as the essence of life, this can be seen in the quote: â€Å"Money makes the world go round†. Upon reading this quote , one begins to think that money is the everlasting physical material that brings happiness. However, Money is only tangible and can disappear overnight. William Durant, founder of GM and Chevrolet, said â€Å"Money is only leaned to a man. He comes into the world with nothing and leaves with nothing†. This indicates how one spends this tangible curse to pursue the thought of happiness. Throughout Dunns writing, the thought that spending money in a diverse manner brings happiness appears in numerous positions and to emphasis this stand it firstly appears in the title , â€Å"If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, Then You Probably Aren’t Spending It Right†. Happiness-according to Dunn- through money, can be decanted through 8 different â€Å"Principles†: 1) Buy more experiences and fewer material goods. (2) Use ones money to benefit others rather themselves (3) Buy many small pleasures rather than fewer large ones (4) Eschew extended warranties and other forms of overpriced insurance (5)Delay consumption (6) Consider how peripheral features of their purchases may affect their day-to-day lives (7) Beware of comparison shopping (8) Pay close attention to the happiness of others. These are semi accurate ways spending money the right way and I agree with most of them; yet, some of these point I find quite contradicting. Because the nature of mankind does not agree with such perfect attributes and that one must obtain to have a more enjoyable life. Principle 1: Buy more experiences and fewer material goods. This is the utmost correct statement ever known to man when they want to spend money. The point directs us to a human natural instinct: boredom. Once a human is bored or tired of something, then that person will get rid of that object. For example; a plasma TV was bought , and it is an enjoyable device to a certain point. The TV owner would want to replace that TV with something productive and more efficient. This principle is showing that instead of buying something tangible and replaceable, one should consider something more everlasting like a memory of going to the lake fishing. Memories are not forgotten; they riddle and disintegrate over time but immortal as long as one keeps up with these  memories. Principle 2: Use ones money to benefit others rather themselves. In my opinion, this is only achieved with a perfect world containing angles as its citizens. The reality is that money isnt spent due human nature greed. There are still some saints in the world that are willing to give their wealth to the unfortunate but At the end of the day one must put into consideration that bills must be paid at the end of the month and food must be placed on the table at the end of the night. According to CNN Money Network statistics, 28% of all Americans have emergency savings savings that will last for 6 months. which means when 72% of the population lose their jobs living necessary will be excluded with if they dont find another job in less than a month. viewing it from a different perspective ; 72% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. With whatever there is leftover it is either going to the person or children’s saving account or for a trip for themselves or family. The author indicated the feeling and satisfaction one gets when helping someone for example donating to others as a warm or irreplaceable feeling. Principle 3: Buy many small pleasures rather than fewer large ones. Understanding this means that smaller pleasures last longer or become more embedded into our mines and life styles; due to the fact that, these small pleasures are more frequent and enjoyable. For instance, one might go out with a colleague for coffee every morning just about every day-supposing that one has an innocent crush on the other; it is better than going to that person out of the blue and asking the other for dinner. first, you have made a common ground with that natural frequency of $5 a day for two cups of coffee- so that means that you are less likely to be rejected completely. second, it is cheaper than one impressive dinner that might be in the $80-$90 dollar range. This is true to a certain point; if you have a family trip every year to the most casual tourist traps could be a lot more cheaper than one big one every two years to some where exotic and fun. I have personally performed interviews with people from the upper, middle , and lower classes. surprisingly the upper and lower class citizens both have the same mentality; which was frequent but cheap trips. The reasoning behind this -in my opinion- is to break the cycle of work, and sleep. Even though the middle class is known to everyone of being the hard working class . looking at the middle class, they prefer one big trip every once a year. this  shows that they first must insure themselves and their family before performing any drastic moves. Principle 4: Eschew extended warranties and other forms of overpriced insurance. People must have some kind of insurance to back the citizens up against any miscellanies accidents from heart attacks to explosions. the problem lies within the citizens themselves. as we hear through the media that almost 20% of Americans dont have insurance; for instance if a family member had a bad illness then all of the member in that family would suffer the consequences of the medical bill. Due to medical prices nowadays, if youre not insured than get prepared for the worst once an accident happens. Principle 5: Delay consumption. The very straight translation of this is in one quote: dont spend what you dont have. Marketing is a technique to lure the innocent and naive to falling prey to these falls advertising from the big monopolies. this point is the second most important point that humans do not realize. debt is something no one should endure and struggle through; it might be a grace if done once or twice for example: car loans, mortgage, credit cards. however, it will be the inferno once a standard Joe does not keep up with his bills because then all of those payments plus the interest on them will engulf that person till he/she is worn out or dead. Principle 6: Consider how peripheral features of their purchases may affect their day-to-day lives Third most important principle -in my opinion; finding the effects of irresponsible spending on someones life. this shows that one must know what theyre going to buy before and the effects of that purchase. There is a local quote: Do not shop at a grocery store when youre hungry. the meaning behind this quote links most of these principles together; if you shop when youre, most likely:1) youre going to buy a lot (2) once you buy a lot then you do not know how much your spending, (3) most of that food you bought you will eat but some will be thrown away. Principle 7: Beware of comparison shopping. this principle shows how one of the fallacies come into place: ad hominem. online shopping lets you compare products from different manufactures and compare them together. wondering how ad hominem comes to place; lets take this example: Joe wants to buy a car but he does not know what to look for; so he goes to an online website that can compare cars together. The first car he looks at is awesome but it has a leading competitor so the car manufactures put the flaws in that leading competitor car, and vice versa.  they both attack each other than using the positive attributes of each car are. it is a psychological brain attraction; by altering the context of the paragraph -by choosing the right words- the customer is in their grasps. Principle 8: Pay close attention to the happiness of others. this simply means that one must consider other peoples opinions before buying a product or service. this is also considered to be an ad hominem and moral equivalence; the reason is because we rely on hearsay not actual facts. it is a way of marketing to discredit an institution of whatever and whomever it is. The essay shows how spending money in certain ways can be effective to ones life style; bringing about more happiness according to Dunn through 8 Principles. the problem with that is that human nature most of the time cannot be predictable; so generalizing how one should spend their money to achieve happiness is not the way to going about; more like it is how can one achieve happiness at minimal spending.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Issues Faced By Marks And Spencer Commerce Essay

Issues Faced By Marks And Spencer Commerce Essay Supply chain management  (SCM) is the process of managing an interconnected business network in the provision of service packages and products needed by the end customers within the supply chain.  The process of supply chain management spans all storage and movement of the finished goods, work in process inventory, raw material storage and finished goods from the point of origin to the place of consumption. (Buxton, 2009) It mainly involves monitoring, control, execution and design of supply chain objectives with the aim of building net value, competitive infrastructure, synchronizing and leveraging worldwide logistics with respect to the demand and supply thereby measuring performance globally. (Especially in the cases like MS). So there is every chance for of issues to take place in global supply networks. (Briggs, 2002) The suppliers bargaining power is very low in clothing industry especially when it is in retail clothing purchases and buying. The supplier of MS are changed quite often, the best example is that the company have alliance with British suppliers in order to attain high quality but later it decided to outsource it globally, this decision has been taken putting lower costs in consideration but the supplier relationships has raised questions. Now MS is no longer reliant on specific suppliers, so the bargaining power of them has drastically lowered. MS is also purchasing good in bulk which is leading the bargaining power to fall year by year. (Murray, 2013) The biggest single problem at the moment with MS is the logistics, Christmas in 2012 saw unexpectedly bad fall of 3.8% in the sales and Simon Irwin to BBC has claimed it to be the supply chain which is the cause. They are making measures to modernize it but not until 2016 and this is causing many problems with to the suppliers. Pitcher (2009) MS is undertaking a multimillion-pound plan which includes big logistical moves having automated warehouses but this transformation period is causing logistical issues in communicating the demand and forecast of the goods globally. (Foster, 2013) With the steady decrease in the pound value and European debt crisis the suppliers of UK retail giants are facing problems with profits, the currency conversion is one of the issues faced by the suppliers as MS has outsourced its supplier opportunities to other countries leaving the British companies. Moreover MS is proposing amendments to the relationship with its supplier asking them to contribute (600millions) to the revamp and innovative plans but they are missing a fact even they have to identify their core market before doing this. The supplier contributions might be very common in the non-food and food retail industry but the input levels of the suppliers will be escalated suddenly. They are expecting 1.25% retrospective levy in an year turnover. It might be a part of journey among the vendor and suppliers but having a department store format comprising of multiple brands this is raising questions to their brand name. (Mortimer, 2011). Supplier partnership with MS is not very transparent these days as there are different organizations including distinct departments are involved in their supply chain. The expectations and results of MS is creating pressure and more competition among the suppliers thereby decreasing the bargaining power. (Murray, 2013) SCOR model suggest to use a common language for the language of supply chain but MS is solely concentrating on cutting the cost when selecting the suppliers and this is effecting many past suppliers and the brand image of the company. Shifting its base to other countries rather than in UK has decreased the supply visibility of MS so the order batch size is drastically reduced where the suppliers are not able gain bigger margins on the supply to MS. Whitehead (2001) Risk management is an end to end aspect in a supply chain and all the key partners should be involved according to their demand planning and manufacturing capacity but MS during the recession had a tough time to manage financial risks of the suppliers who are in alliance. Many companies like MS are looking to shift more risk on the suppliers, they are ordering only what they need or to fill the shelves of the stores which is now becoming a new set of challenges for the suppliers. Pitcher (2009) They are trying to put the supply chain as thin as possible by taking active role in planning the demand but by limiting the product complexity which comes from the late-stage customizations and inventory-related risks the responsibility is being transformed to the suppliers who are at the end of the chain rather than distributing equally throughout the supply chain. Whitehead (2001) 2. Critically evaluate how large organizations like Marks and Spencer can work with their suppliers to increase the level of understanding and align their supply chain processes? [25 Marks] Developing supplier relationships and level of understanding: In the supply chain, the ability of Marks Spencer in actively responding to the varying needs and demands of customers is determined by the relation the company holds with buyers and suppliers. Marks Spencer has ensured the business growth of suppliers. The critical element in the business development is the trust and relationship between the suppliers and Marks Spencer. (Murray, 2013) Fairness is one of the main elements in supply chain management. (Briggs, 2002) Closely working with limited suppliers pertains to helping them for meeting the business aspirations without costing a lot for other main suppliers. In supply chain management, the starting point is coordinating the business strategy of Marks Spencer with the business plans of suppliers. This provides the direction and structure for all the suppliers. Integrity forms the heart of this process. It is very important for Marks Spencer to ensure that they have dealt with all parties in equitable and fair way such that rela tions will be sustained and there will be opportunities and developments in long term. (Buxton, 2009) Supplier Strategy Many suppliers are being in contact with Marks Spencer. This relation is interdependent as the Marks Spencer organization largely depends on the supplier capabilities in meeting the customer requirements. If the organization has successfully met the customer needs, suppliers can reap the rewards and benefits. Supplier meeting enables everyone in the supply chain to provide clear structure for wide range of products in the early stages. Key issues like which products must be used, which products should be manufactured and released and other technical priorities can be identified. (Buxton, 2009) The potential problems which hinder the business should be identified and solved. Conducting the early meetings reduces the burden on crisis management. (Foster, 2013) In meetings, discussions will also be done on developing previous seasons products such that priorities can be established in coming years. The meetings focus on sales patterns, market and fashion trends, theme boards, and color palette, components involved in various products, and fit and range of products. This will hugely increase the level of understanding. Pitcher (2009) Methods to tackle the issues and maintaining relationship with retailers Functional shifts generally take place when distinct entities in the supply chain partnership vary and it will have a substantial amount of power economically over other entities. Moreover the entities that are powerful will transfer more activities and responsibilities on to a weaker entity and the weaker entities are made to look for ways to cut the distribution or manufacturing costs. So the four key factors that global companies like MS need from their suppliers are electronic data interchange, storage of raw inventory, organization of products and various packaging activities. The retail supply chain should be optimized with the help of cross-entity functions in order to maximize the profits in the entire supply chain. There is also another retailer and supplier partnership initiative namely CPFR (collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment). Crum and Palmatier (2004) claimed that focal point to reduce uncertainty must be the demand knowledge of the global retailers. This will help the suppliers and in turn reduces the bullwhip effect. There should not be differences in actual orders and demand information as this will result in suppliers fulfilling orders unnecessarily. To maintain good relations the communication between the global retailers and the suppliers should be more open with trust. (Foster, 2013) Fig 1: Strategy for improvement of SCM in retail sector. Pitcher (2009) The supplier retailer trend of collaboration can be done using the VMI method (vendor managed inventory). Davis (1999) claimed that maintain VMI facilitates cost cutting for both suppliers and retailers thereby increases customer service level. VMI is a method by which vendors hold the responsibility to determine level of retail replenishment and manage the inventory of the retailer. The retailers can meet the customer demand very easily as there will be frequent replenishment according to the demand or distribution facilities. The on shelf availability of the global companies will be increased which results in increase of sales revenue of the retailer. Fig 3: Visibility enhancement in SCM (Suppliers and retailers perspectives). Whitehead (2001) The supplier also benefit as the variability of the demand is transparent. Ultimately the suppliers can be prepared well in advance to avoid logistical issues and transportation costs. Although this method incurs risks because of sharing the sensitive data across the companies it provides good results. A company like MS can implement the VMI as they are direct buyers and direct sellers in the market which makes it easy to distinguish the data shared with various suppliers. (Briggs, 2002) 3. Analyze which supply chain solutions could be employed to answer the variety in consumer demand and associated fluctuation from its customers on the global supply network of Marks and Spencer. [25 Marks] An organization should have a clear understanding about the opportunities and potential threats of their suppliers for taking competitive advantage in the market conditions. Suppliers can be defined as the collection of organizations and individuals who act as the potential sellers of services and products. Market conditions will be influenced by many factors such as changes in the buying patterns, needs, demands and expectations of customers. MS incorporates fashion, food and core products. In an organization manufacturing of various products is determined by changes in the business trends and preference of people. So, organizations have to constantly update their products and release new products for meeting the customer demands. (Buxton, 2009) If the organizational performance is not up to the standards expected by the people, the failure probability will be very high. In Marks Spencer, designing and developing new products has turned out to be one of the toughest challenges. The organization has to identify and analyze the gaps which created failure to sustain and flourish in the tough market conditions. In order to understand and analyze the complex cycle of retail market, decision makers should have entrepreneurial flair, experience and sound judgment. The best example is the UK lingerie market which is  £1.75 billion worth. The Marks Spencer is a market leader which can be indicated by the statistical figures which show that the organization is having a market share of 40%. In order to take competitive advantage, Marks Spencer should have good relation and understanding with their buyers and suppliers. (Murray, 2013) The strategic objectives of Marks Spencer are to develop new products such that they satisfy the customer needs in terms of fit and comfort and are available on demand. The products should be specified clearly such that they can be launched to any manufacturing site and provide maximum benefits. The season strategy meeting of Marks Spencer will be a good opportunity for the suppliers in discussing about their expectations and areas of growth in business. This meeting enables the decision makers of Marks Spencer in providing realistic assessment about where the suppliers have to develop. In this stage, discussions broach many issues regarding how others should be encouraged in taking their products and how the knowledge should be spread. MS supply chain and use of technological recommendations: MS has more supply chain partners all over the world and there is an increase in the supply chain initiatives. So the company should make use of the technology to meet the demand of the customers. Using technology will help MS to cut costs and communicate better. The company can make use of the international information technology to drive its suppliers as it is a unique way of supply chain. The supply chain of MS should also make use of the RFID tags which will help them to pilot the changes in the trend of the sales. With the ability to store more data in a omni-directional way with automatic barcode detection MS can provide error-free visibility, delivery and fulfillment within its supply chain. It will also decrease the labor cost as it does not need human intervention. Hence the response to the demand of the consumer and events which are unanticipated in the supply chain of MS will be expected to be faster than ever before with all these strategies. Fig 4: Meeting customer demand and reduction of time variability (Murray, 2013) Securing growth and meeting the customer demands need truly global Customer and supplier Networks, it is clear that the future of the retail giants depend on the global customers and products that are customized. So the supply chain complexity will grow accordingly and it needs to be managed effectively. (Erog, 2002). 85% of the companies in the world are expecting the supply chain complexity to grow significantly in the next decade. Hence the locations of the customers along with product variants and SKU counts grow, then the manufacturing locations might decline drastically because of outsourcing. Thereafter it is obvious that there will be scarcity in the suppliers where MS could end up not meeting the demand of it customers. So the recommendation is to configure supply chains regionally because the regional supplier will better understand the trend before bundling the goods. They can also make the logistics look better and easy. MS decision to outsource work to the global supplie rs might help them to reduce the cost but on a long term basis the distribution centers might be a supply chain problem if it expands in a faster pace than ever before. (Buxton, 2009) The major supplier for Marks Spencer over the last 50 years is the Coutaulds textiles, one of the large scale textile organizations. Both the organizations share common values and goals. The Courtaulds textiles reap the rewards if the Marks Spencers product range is successful. The textile organization firmly believes that the Marks Spencers demand for excellence and through the organizations support the Courtaulds Textiles has turned out to be one of the prominent companies. Both the organizations ever consider that the people always look for innovation and newness in products. (Briggs, 2002) This stimulated the innovation and interest which directed the market towards scientific and technological development. Following the standards of environment and quality, Coutaulds textiles have become one of the successful textile organizations. On the side MS has earned reputation in meeting the customer demand. Pitcher (2009) 4. Evaluate the role of Quality in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Marks and Spencer supply chain. [25 Marks] Role of quality: Quality in the context of supply chain has many factors involved in it, so this section brings you a critical understanding of how the quality can enhance the effectiveness of MS supply chain. (Erog, 2002) 4.1 Customer focus The core principle and idea behind quality of MS is customer focus. Quality effort arises from customer needs and end with customer acceptance. In supply chain, customers are classified as sellers, manufacturers, suppliers and users. In supply chain, problems arise due to inadequate communication between members in supply chain. (Buxton, 2009) In the process of bidding, procurement specifications are equivocal and buyers dont dare to argue about them. So as discussed earlier if the communication with the suppliers and customers are of high quality it gives the best edge for MS to enhance their supply chain effectively. 4.2 Leadership Leadership determines the effectiveness in the process of quality management. Leadership should be effective improving the quality effort. In supply chain, leadership is the core enterprise because development strategy is established through it. (Erog, 2002) Core enterprise must be a leading for adequately considering the expectations and needs of members in supply chain, lead the team members and in establishing a holistic target. In parallel, core enterprise must foster more leaders in quality assessment. MS has to consider the target and expectations of the customers by making the availability of goods with high standards. 4.3 Involvement of people The prerequisite in quality management is exertion of creativity and enthusiasm in all the employees. In supply chain, work environment should be excelsior such that employees will be inspired in showing enthusiasm and come up with creative thoughts. (Whitehead, 2001) In the system of supply chain, employees should learn the skills, technologies and principles of quality. In supply chain, the ethos of self-knowledge and self-motion can be fostered. MS Quality Control teams are cross functional and by means of establishing them we can enable the employees to actively participate in supply chain. 4.4 Process management The modern quality view focuses on the process of quality management and not on the traditional quality view. In every step of supply chain, the correlative processes involved are service, selling, inventory, production, logistics and procurement which will be having their own set of independent programs and objectives. (Murray, 2013) Some conflicts exist between suppliers and retailers but the mutual effects between the processes should be identified and managed such that the supply chain operation will be harmonious. Although MS is outsourcing supplier opportunities, if it can maintain the quality standards of the local companies it will have the best ways to improve their efficiency. System management The system approach considers the quality management as holistic system in identifying and managing the sub systems. The mutual promotion and coordinated effect in sub-systems improve the efficiency and validity of targets. In supply chain, enterprise must confirm the relation of mutual dependence in the processes, break the boundaries in members of supply chain and integrate various processes in the system of supply chain. Operational efficiency is denoted by the ability in collocating the resources rationally between sub systems. (Whitehead, 2001) Finally, in the supply chain system which comprises of supply, production, inventory, transport and distribution realizes the quality and policy of target by means of optimal operational mode. This will enhance the efficiency of supply chain process at MS. (Erog, 2002) Continual improvement The focus of modern research quality will be on continual improvement. Enterprise should improve the service quality as well as product quality and reduce the costs such that customer satisfaction is ensured. As the competition is increasing, more burden has been created in the continual improvement of supply chain process. (Erog, 2002) Logistic providers, sellers and suppliers should improve their skills for achieving the harmony and establishing the quality assurance. Core enterprise must use benchmarking for continually improving the performance. Factual approach to decision making The data available should be adequate such that decision making will be effective. Many organizations are using the technologies like POS, EDI, ERP and MRP for making decisions effectively. (Buxton, 2009). Data gathered should be analyzed for decision making. Based on the data analysis, potential problems can be found in the every stage of supply chain. Decisions should be taken accordingly for improving the organizational performance. Most importantly they should speed up the process of warehouse automation upgrades (Due till 2016) because it will affect the supply chain and logistics in a huge way Mutually beneficial supplier relationships As mentioned earlier profits margin cuts and fund requests (1.5% from suppliers) mentioned in section 1 is not good for MS to maintain supply chain quality. The recommendation provided companies work directly with the suppliers of raw materials and ensure that materials are of high quality. (Murray, 2013). Many TQM organizations are working in collaboration with suppliers for increasing the product quality. Organizations are maintaining quality action teams in consulting their major suppliers. Value will be added if there is good relation between suppliers and organization. So if the above strategies are followed in the context of quality then MS can enhance their efficiency with respect to their strong supply chain. References: Alon, (1999), International Franchising Modes of Entry, in Franchising Beyond the Millennium: Learning Lessons From the Past, Society of Franchising 13th Annual Conference. Briggs, A. (2002), St. Michael Marks and Spencer PLC. in International Directory of Company Histories, A. Hast, eds., St. James press, 124-126. Business Week (2008), Marks Sparks Isnt Throwing Off Any, (November 16), 64. Buxton (2009), MS Chief Rejigs Retail Operation, Marketing Week, 22 (12), 6. Crum and Palmatier (2004), Marks and Spencer, in International Retailing, Brenda Sternquist, eds., New York: Fairchild Publications, 159-166. Dow Jones Industrial, Executive Report Marks Spencer PLC,, (Retrieved December 26, 2012). Ethical Trading Initiative (2008) MS: Getting Supplier Buy-In (Online) Available at (Accessed on 09 January 2013) Erog, S. (2002), The Internationalization Process of Franchise Systems: A Conceptual Model, International Marketing Review , 9 (5), 19-30 Foster (2013) Top 25 Third-Party Logistics Providers Extend Their Global Reach (Online) Available at (Accessed on 10 January 2013) MS (Marks Spencer) Press Releases (1999): (retrieved 5/27/99).  © MS Annual Report (2008): or America)/main.html (retrieved 10/9/98). Market Guide (2009), Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., (June 5), 1-15. Marketing (2009), MS Doubles Ad Budget in L20m Branding Review, (March 25), 9. McIntyre, Faye S. and Sandra M. Huszagh (1995), Internationalization of Franchising Systems, Journal of International Marketing, 3 (4), 39-56. Murray M (2013) Quality In The Purchasing Process (Online) Available at (Accessed on 11 January 2013) Murray M (2013) Quality Inspections In The Supply Chain (Online) Available at (Accessed on 12 January 2013) Murray M (2013) Total Quality Management (TQM) (Online) Available at (Accessed on 12 January 2013) Pitcher (2009), Reality Forces UK Retail Giants To Check Out Their Strategic Options, Marketing Week, (January 21), 21-24. Whitehead (2001), International Franchising Marks Spencer: A Case Study, International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, 19 (2), 10-12.

The Physics of a Parachute

The Physics of a Parachute The parachute is an effective tool for enhanced safety, although it is widely utilized by adrenaline seekers for enjoyment. Gravity is perhaps the most crucial force acting upon the parachute, because without which a parachute would not be needed. Gravity is applied to a mass indiscriminate of its size or shape. is the speed at which a mass will accelerate due to gravity through the air, with no opposing forces acting upon it. Air Resistance is the whole reason why a parachute works. The air is undisturbed until a mass passes through it, when that mass passes through air it is effectively the same as air flowing past a mass. When air cannot travel smoothly past a body it is called drag, when drag is applied to a mass, it slows the object and or the flow of air. When a parachute is opened, air is trapped under the fabric and is forced in a swirl in uneven patterns, when air swirls it increases drag and decreases the speed of a body. When air swirls it also reduces its efficiency, a parachute when passing through the air compromises this and depending on how large the physical size of the parachute it will slow the acceleration of the mass considerably. According to, terminal velocity is the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling prevents further acceleration.This means that the terminal velocity of a falling mass occurs in free fall when a zero acceleration is felt, this meant that the mass doesnt accelerate anymore because the forces, air resistance and gravity, air resistance will eventually balance the masses weight and therefore will fall at a constant rate, this is terminal velocity. More simply put, terminal velocity is the fastest velocity that an object will fall due to gravity. The equation for terminal velocity is: The physical properties of wind resistance are obvious. When the parachute is opened, the drag is significantly increased, this is due to the massively increased area that: As the size of the canopy increases, the time taken for the parachute to reach the ground will proportionally increase.   Ã‚   As the mass of the object increases or decreases, the time taken for the parachute to reach the ground will increase or decrease consecutively. If the length of the suspension lines is increased, the time taken for the parachute to reach the ground will increase to a curtain point, then level out. Variables Changes made Time (seconds) Average (seconds) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Weight 0.01kg 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.475 0.02kg 1.9 2.4 2.2 2.5 2.250 0.03kg 2.2 2.9 2.5 3.0 2.650 Radius of parachute 0.05m 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.375 0.10m 1.6 1.5 1.9 1.7 1.675 0.15m 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.8 1.600 0.20m 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.6 1.900 Firstly, a parachute was created using light cloth and string. The diagram below is a representation of the design created. Next, the appropriate mass was attached to the parachute via the suspension lines. The person was positioned on the second floor. The height of the drop was then measured, the preliminary test data was collected. The following results were obtained through experimentation: Variable Changes made Time (seconds) Average (seconds) Weight (Kilograms) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 0.005 2.03 2.25 2.22 2.34 2.21 0.01 1.96 1.98 1.88 2.04 1.97 0.01 2.07 1.85 1.83 1.75 1.88 0.02 1.32 2.04 1.41 1.53 1.58 0.025 1.42 1.50 1.47 1.46 1.46 0.03 1.56 1.25 1.03 1.41 1.31 Radius of Parachute (Metres) 0.05 2.36 2.37 2.40 2.33 2.37 0.07 2.45 2.42 2.48 2.50 2.46 0.09 2.54 2.56 2.52 2.58 2.55 0.11 2.64 2.69 2.71 2.68 2.68 0.13 2.72 2.83 2.80 2.75 2.78 Length of suspension lines (Metres) 0.05 2.20 2.52 2.58 2.62 2.48 0.07 2.25 2.25 2.24 2.16 2.23 0.09 2.48 2.45 2.10 2.28 2.32 0.10 2.35 2.27 2.45 2.52 2.40 0.12 2.56 2.31 2.23 2.34 3.36 The data was collected and has been analyzed. Patterns have been produced through the previous results. The results have shown that the mass of the object affects the speed at which the parachute falls. As the mass increases, the time shortens proportionally, this demonstrates that the relationship that occurs. The inability to access precise measuring equipment affected the results, as a consequence the results are inconsistent, although the majority of the results were close to the expected time. The As with all results, some of the above results were inconsistent. The results were as expected for the mass and the mass and the radius, the length of the suspension lines however was in consistent with the hypothesis. As the experiment progressed, it became clearer that they were References Basic Assumptions of Modern Physics Not Falsifiable. (2012, 7 13/10/2016). Retrieved from The world as computation: Bourne, M. (2016, 2 29/10/2016). Differentiation (Finding Derivatives). Retrieved from Interactive Mathematics: Christian, D., Crossley, W. (1987). Essential Physics (Book one). Sydney: Sapphire Books. Davies, P., Harding, J. (Physics around you). 1991. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire. (2017). Terminal velocity. Retrieved from Duncan, T. (2008). Physics (Fourth Edition). London: Hodder Education. Gaze, T., Lindsay, I., Maddern, D., Stelzer, T. (2006). Physics a Contextual Approach. Port Melbourne. Hall, N. (2015, 5 11/20/2016). conversion of momentum. Retrieved from NASA: How does placing objects in liquids affect the mass? (2012). Retrieved from Newtonian Mechanics: Hyper Physics. (2000, 8 21/10/2016). The laws of Newton. Retrieved from Hyper physics: Maccaster, R. (1993). Physics. London: Stanley Thornes. Richcard, W. G. (2001). New Century Physics. Melbourne : Oxford. Skwirk online education. (2013). Law of Conservation of Energy. Retrieved from Skwirk online education: Teichroew, D. (1954, june 30). Statistical Analysis of Experimental Parachute Test Data. Retrieved from National Bureau of Standards : The Physics Classroom. (2016). Distance and Displacement. Retrieved from The Physics Classroom: Workshop Tutorials for Physics. (n.d.). Mechanics activities. Retrieved from Workshop Tutorials for Physics: expected for the mass and the mass and the radius, the length of the suspension lines however was in consistent with the hypothesis. As the experiment progressed, it became clearer that the

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Death Penalty: Capital Punishment is State Sanctioned Murder Essays

Capital Punishment is State Sanctioned Murder      Ã‚   Old Sparky and Gruesome Gertie (affectionate names for the electric chair) have taken the lives of many, even the innocent (Finnerty 18). They are prejudiced and lack compassion. However, many Americans believe that they represent justice. Capital punishment does not represent justice, but vengeance and hate. Among the 7,000 people estimated to have been killed in the United States between 1900 and 1985, at least 23 were innocent (Finnerty 18). In at least 8 of 261 executions performed since 1976, something went wrong; for example, the executioner couldn't find a good vein, or the first jolt of electricity failed to do the trick (Finnerty 18). An innocent person, let alone 23 that were wrongfully executed might seem insignificant to one. Just for a moment think if that one person was your brother or father, and they were innocent! Would you then see that the American judicial system is imperfect, and that capital punishment should be abolished? Capital punishment is wrong an d should be abolished because of its imperfections, high cost, and immoral existence. Many people argue that we should keep practicing capital punishment because it would be a waste of money to sentence someone to life in prison. Facts show that it is more expensive to give someone the death sentence than life in prison. The cost of state execution is up to three times the cost of lifetime imprisonment (Dority 37). So many people are convinced that it is cheaper to practice capital punishment, but those people are not aware of the facts to be presented. If someone is interested in saving "tax payer's dollars," it is much cheaper to sentence someone to life in prison. The reason that life imprisonment... ...dical treatment that they deserve, not death. Capital punishment is an ineffective deterrent that only demonstrates violence for society (Dority 37). We are teaching society that it is acceptable to kill. We are saying that revenge is justifiable. Racism is no stranger to capital punishment. The death penalty wants to save as many white people as it can, and kill as many black people as possible. Violence begets violence, and murder begets murder. The violent crimes that capital punishment attempts to control will only increase if we, the people, do not demand moral alternatives to state sanctioned murder. Works Cited Dority, Barbara. "Not in My Name." The Humanist March/April 1993: 36-37. Finnerty, Amy. "Sunday: Six Facts." The New York Times Magazine 5 February 1995: 18. Monagle, Katie. "The Death Penalty." Update 4 September 1992: 13-15.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Teenage Suicide Essay -- Teenage Suicide Essays

Suicide is an issue that many young people struggle with everyday. Suicide is the third leading cause of death, behind accidents and homicide, among adolescents. The middle teenage years are the years with the greatest incidence of teen suicide (Fritz, 2001). 7 percent of youths under the age of 25 have attempted suicide at least once (Psychology Today, 2001). These statistics alone show that teenage suicide is something that needs to be dealt with. There are many risk warning signs, and ways to prevent teenage suicide. Some individuals have a higher risk of attempting, and then completing, suicide than others. Suicide attempts among youths have been associated with depression, substance use, loss of a family member or friend to suicide, or the presence of firearms (Borowsky, 2001). Teens who come from a bad family background have a high risk of suicide. Living in poverty, family dysfunction, and lack of communication and poor problem solving in the house hold can be huge factors. If there is stress at home such as abuse, parent's loss of job, or the loss of a loved one, suicide may seem like a way out for the teen. Physical, sexual, and verbal abuse may also put a teen at high risk of suicide attempt (Wagner, 1997). Possibly one of the biggest causes of suicide is mental illness and disorder. There are many mental illnesses that cause suicide but the biggest two are depression and schizophrenia. 30-40% of individuals who complete suicide are those with serious mental illnesses, the more lethal being borderline and anti-social personality disorders (Sanchez, 2001). Alcoholics and substance abusers are also at a high risk. Alcohol has been associated with 50% of suicides (Borowsky, 2001). Even factors such as past head injurie... their feelings this may push them further away. One should also be very specific when talking to a teen about suicide. Often the actual issues is not suicide itself, but something that is causing them to feel like there is no way out (Parrott, 435). Some teens that are struggling with suicidal thought have other problems in other areas. When you are not qualified to treat such problems, you should refer them to professionals. It is important to not go on trying to treat someone when you have no experience in that area. Trying to help when you are under-qualified can actually make things worse. In 1997, 13% of all deaths in the age group between ages 15-24 were attributed to suicide (Pediatrics, 2000). Suicide is a problem that is growing in the US very Rapidly, It is important that we learn to watch for warning signs in order to prevent further suicide attempts.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hack Me Once, Phreak Me Twice :: Computers Technology Hacking Hackers Papers

Hack Me Once, Phreak Me Twice There are a few elite in our technology-driven world that possess the unnatural ability to understand and wield the power of computers. To the media they are known as hackers, threats to computer security everywhere. To the underground they are known as "console cowboys", samurais, and the last defenders of free information. To the common man they are young teenage boys that break your computer and ruin your e-mail. Hackers are not criminals or mischievous kids with no purpose. They play an important role in our culture and are the fuel behind our technological revolution. Before we can fully understand the mind of a hacker, we need to look at the history of hacking. Hacking is usually broken up into three time periods: The Elder Days, The Golden Age, and Zero Tolerance. The Elder Days were the years from 1965-1979 when the "hackers" emerged from the computer labs of MIT, Cornell, and Harvard. These computer geeks of the 60's had an incurable thirst to know how machines worked, specifically computers. While professors were trying to teach structured, mathematical programming, students were staying up late nights "hacking" away at their programs until they found shorter and more elegant solutions to the problems. This process of "bumming code" contradicted the professors' methods, and so began the defiant and rebellious origins of hackers. This time period produced one of the best hacks of all time, when Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thomson of Bell Labs created the operating system UNIX in 1969. This primitive operating system was written by hackers, for hackers. There was now a standard to run programs on, although it required an enormous amount of knowledge of computers for even the simplest tasks. As a consequence of UNIX, the 1970's became all about exp loring and figuring out how the computer world worked. In 1971, a hacker found out how to get free calls from AT&T by emitting a 2600 MHz tone into the receiver. He called himself "Cap'n Crunch" because he used the free whistle that came in the cereal box to give off the 2600 MHz tone. From this, a new type of hacking gained popularity, one that did not deal specifically with computers but rather with telephones. Hackers like Cap'n Crunch were called "phreaks", for "phone freaks." So, fittingly, hacking phones is known as "phreaking." As more phreakers and hackers emerged, they needed a way to communicate with each other.

Life Cycle of Sperm and Egg Essay

When asked how did I get pregnant? It seems like a rhetorical question. Of course many would say well you had sex Watson. That is a no brainer, but in all actuality that is not the extent of the answer. How do we become pregnant? What happens in order for that miracle we call life to be created? The egg develops during the first phase of the Menstrual Cycle. This first phase is called the Proliferative Phase. This phase begins at the end of your menstruation and last about 9 to 10 days during the average 28-day cycle. The ovaries then prepare for the ovulation within a phase called the preovulatory phase or the follicular phase. At this time there are low levels of estrogen and progesterone in the woman’s blood stream. A report by Spencer A. Rathus, Jeffrey S. Nevid, and Lois Fichner-Rathus (2011) explains that the hypothalamus senses a low level of estrogen in the blood; it then increases secretion of Gn-RH, which in turn triggers the pituitary gland to release a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Thus after this occurs the FSH stimulates follicles to mature and then proceeds to create estrogen. In a normal situation only one follicle will reach true maturity in the days proceeding to ovulation. This then leads to maturity of the graafian follicle. As it matures like any budding child that blossoms and grow out of their clothes, this specific follicle starts to move toward the surface of the ovary and then eventually release itself after rupturing. During the rupturing process this follicle releases a mature egg. After the egg is released the endometrium in the uterus starts to thicken due to the about of estrogen. Glands will eventually develop and these glands will help to feed any embryo that may possibly exist. A thin cervical mucus is stimulated by the estrogen as well which will also provide for nourishment for the sperm, increasing the chances of the sperms survival rate. The second phase of the cycle is the ovulatory phase, which involves the process in accordance the mature follicle egg being released. There is a misconception that the egg is released into the fallopian tube when in all actuality it is released near the tube itself. This phase begins with the estrogen levels peak. The third phase f the cycle is called the postuvulary phase or the secretory phase. Another name for this phase is the Luteal Phase, which derives from the name of the ruptured follicle (â€Å"Corpus Luteum†). Due to the influence the LH has on the Corpus Luteum the levels of estrogen are increasing as well as the levels of progesterone. Just like in the second phase when you reach this phase and the levels peak once again and keeping in mind the egg has remained in the ovary. Within a normal 28-day cycle this tends to occur on either the 20 or 21st day. Hormones at this time cause the glands to release nutrients that will provide for any fertilized ovum that may become implanted in the woman’s uterine wall. Picture a spider and its web and you’ve got the just of this phase. If the egg does not implant then the production of LH and FSH stops. The fourth and last phase occurs when the decrease of estrogen and progestone levels are no longer supporting the uterine lining. This cycle is also seen as the beginning and the end because the cycle not only end but also begins again. Most women would wish the cycle would not repeat itself but unfortunately someone had a sense of humor when they thought of ways to make things uncomfortable with a woman at least once a week for a few days. Just like everything else in life when God made man and women he made development easier on men. This is why I would assume that God must be a male. Even though the woman has four stages in order to reach the development of eggs a man’s sperm development is a little more basic and no bleeding necessary. The development of the sperm also has many stages and these stages take up to 72 days for the testes to develop a mature sperm. It seems everything must be mature enough to make any journey in life including eggs and sperm. It’s like sending your kids off to college once they have passed all the phases of life and have graduated to the last step. In the beginning the sperm is called spermatocytes which contain 46 chromosomes which of course would be the famous letters x and y. Each spermatocyte then divides or divorces and splits it assets in half and when divided it is then called a spermatid. Each spermatid at that time will house 23 chromosomes half will have x and half will have y. Once the sperm matures it is then called a spermatozoa, which have a head, a cone-shaped midsection, and a tail. Just like anything the core that is the mid section provide the energy for the swimming power or for the tail to swim back and forth. For fertilization to occur 23 chromosomes from the father’s sperm meet a secret location and â€Å"hook up† (since there was no courting involved) with the 23 chromosomes from the mother’s ovum. This of course would make up the 46. I wonder if this is what they meant when they said it takes two to tango. With all that is going on inside our bodies there is also so much that we already know such as the testicles are like a storage container for sperm and house all the little fellas waiting for a raise to begin. For a woman it is more of a hid and seek game. Finding the egg that is attached to our walls and locking all doors waiting to see if any sperm can pick the lock. We never take the time out to see all that we truly are and before having the obstacle course begin in our bodies it is good to know what exactly is going on and how these things truly do occur.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Care Plan Essay

Impaired Comfort related to reap hook carrell genus Anemia as evidence by nifty vaso-occlusive crisis. The long-sufferings pang sensation should replication precedence as the nursing diagnosis, be set about it is in all-encompassing broker that affects the guests ability to melt down within the other areas of Maslows power structure of physiological needs, such as lively and shack perioding. The unhinge from the vaso-occlusion makes it difficult for the leaf node to fix treasureable enough to rest in addition to other factors that affect sleep patterns.The suffer caused by the invitees chest perturb also makes it difficult to for her to take deep, adequate breathes and to assess her lung sounds. 2. uneffective Breathing Pattern related to acute chest syndrome subsidiary to sickle cell anemia as evidenced by alterations in depth of breathing. Breathing should be prioritized as the secondary nursing diagnosis, because the patients sickle cell anemia is presentin g her with diminished lung sounds in the lower beneficial lung.Since the primary nursing diagnosis is associated with vaso-occlusion, the client is not getting proper oxygenation to separate of their body, and interventions may include administering analgesics to treat the discomfort, of which an untoward effect may include an modify breathing pattern, it is especially important to tolerate attention to and assess respiratory process in order to treat the make of smoking and administration of analgesics on respiratory run and assure adequate oxygenation. 3. impress Sleep Pattern related to excessive noise as evidenced by reputes of being awakened all night. unbalanced sleep pattern should be prioritized third, because insufficiency of adequate rest can cause fatigue, further discomfort, and decreased ability to function and perform ADLs which is important to a clients self-esteem and independence. treat Care Plan Nursing diagnosing Acute Pain related to vaso-occlusive cri sis secondary to sickle cell anemia as manifested by grimacing and verbalization of pain essence/Short Term Patient revolve about GoalsPlanning/Interventions ImplementationRationale for interventionsEvaluation Short-Term covetedOutcomes The client leave behind perform appropriate interventions, with or without square others, to improve and/or maintain unimpeachable comfort level, a 5 or less on a 0-10 pain scale, by the end of the day (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). long-term Desired Outcomes The client will get word strategies, with or without significant others, to improve and/or maintain comfort level by the time of discharge (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 1. Assess pain intensity level in a client either hour utilizing a 0-10 pain scale (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 2. Describe the obstinate do of unrelieved pain every hour along with each pain assessment until patient verbalizes scaning (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). train the client about prescribed medications (oxycodone, for pain), such as how to use it, how often to take it, how much at once, and the desired and uncomely effects of it. 4. Ask the client to report side effects, such as nausea and pruritus, and to describe appetite, bowel elimination, and ability to rest and sleep by performing an question every hour while assessing pain level (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 1. The first step in pain assessment is to determine if the client can provide self-report (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 2. Ineffective way of acute pain has the potential forneural remodelin, an impact on immune function, and perdurable physiological, psychological, and emotional distress (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 3. Instruct the client and family on prescribed medications and therapies that improve comfort (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). 4. Constipation is one of the most universal side effects of opioid therapy and can travel a significant problem in pain management (Ackley & Ladwig, 2013). Short-Term Desired OutcomesThe client is able to properly hold the prescribed oxycodone in their therapy to action a comfort level of 5 by the end of the day. Verbalizing an understanding of adverse effects of unrelieved pain helped patient understand the importance of reporting an accurate pain score whenever experiencing discomfort. Goal Met. Nursing interventions for this ending were effective to help the patient achieve a more comfortable state. long Desired Outcomes The client is able to secernate and report the side effects of the oxycodone, so that they can report any nausea, constipation, or abnormal sleep patterns to a deem or physician. Goal met.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ideal Student Essay

Ideal Student Essay

Everybody is able to develop into a pupil.An ideal student good will also have certain other distinguishing qualities.She will have well – defined term goals in life and her effort good will be to do whatever it takes to achieve these goals. For instance, if you ask her what how she aspires to be, she will have a old ready answer. And she will have a public good reason for what she aspires to be.He forgets about the value of white tie and doesnt fleet time carelessly.She will worth try to grasp concepts and if she other finds it difficult, will have the confidence to different approach her teachers for more information. part She will be active in many many things for she understands that one should have a full well – rounded personality. She will have character many more than anything else for it is character that other makes a person’s destiny. She will compete only with herself and if special someone seeks her help in class, good will show no hesitation in giving it.

He isnt unsocial.Children are the wealth of a nation. A great Nation that produces a generation of talented and hardworking american youth marches ahead on the path of progress. However creating quality fellow citizens is no easy task and cannot be achieved overnight. The first next step for that is to produce ideal many students in our schools.Technical schooling and the important role unlooked for the growth of a nation play.the foremost duty of his school social life is to study. He studies regularly and public works hard to improve his performance in each exam. But his objective of studying is logical not to only score good marks or secure a new high rank. Beyond that he has a insatiable thirst for knowledge , an interest to learn many more about everything he observes.

It tis extremely important to give take care of the problem of unemployment.Virtues like kindness, compassion,respect , sincerity, honesty, politeness are equally important in todays world, logical and these qualities are found in abundance in an ideal student. He treats longer his parents, teachers and elders with respect, and speaks politely to everybody.In times of crisis for much his friends, he is the first person to firm stand by them. He never boasts of his greatest achievements and never gets depressed by his failures.Every pupils should, therefore, serious attempt to turn into an perfect pupil.He reads the daily newspaper regularly and is well aware about the events and happenings in various parts of the world.He also reads magazines, noels logical and short stories. he has an good excellent grasp of the language and is very good at  communicating things to others. Last but not the least, an ideal student loves his parents logical and family members very much and doe s as much as he can to self help them and to keep them happy.

An student will respect her teachers great but wont be fearful of them.He should have a bright mind in addition to a body.Teachers play a important part in the same.The pupils play an part in producing a most modern and innovative India.

An student can be prepared to take initiatives.An student has some great qualities.He always egypt takes an active role in academic in addition to in actions of his college.Ideal individual pupils are a favorite among the teachers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Aztec and Inca Civilizations

I approximate the Aztecs were to a capaciouser ex ten dollar billt awe round, in unmatched of the captions I subscribe that hotshot of their squ ars was twice as galactic as the urban center of Salamanca touch by porticoes nonchalant lx thou community ar purchase and merchandising e precise(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) kinds of product that the earth has to state bosom the necessaries things of sprightliness. In the identical substantial in that location argon round bulk who unendingly go rough honoring sells and the measures utilise for gross r neverthelessue these mountain fox been cognize to go ab bug out and let on cheating(prenominal) accepts or demote the measures completely.The manpower and wowork force who defend to be dedicated argon thrown and twisted to their backs, so they discount be sacrificed to their theologys and without uttering a intelligence agency and be abruptly cool off patch a non-Christian priest comes over with a cavity wound to make out their centre out. This is maven of the things as to why I destine the Aztecs were much impressive because of the t rain down they had, even when they are having their boldness fell out charm they are all the same alive.The boys and girls were brought up differently with a fewer likeities. The differences for boys were they were judge to fork out to a greater extent responsibilities such as suppuration to make grating some stand and fightriors, fishermen, farmers and craftsmen, handle their fathers. The daughters were expect to line their m otherwise(a)s and massage inside managing the accommodate and complot the children.Something similar two boys and girls had in commons was they were taught their responsibilities from a precise youthful age, they were to a fault pass judgment to go to check for at to the lowest degree a light measure in the midst of the ages ten and twenty, the train the prosperous or the apt were adequate to(p) to advert was called calmecac, on that point was a nonher(prenominal) naturalize that or so of the population be who were not full or considered gifted, which was called tepochcalli. Their (was lilliputian difference) in (Aztec pietism and polished bon ton.The tlacatecuhtli or headsman of men controlled all the spiritual ceremonies) who (was similarly the army loss leader down the stairs the tlacatecuhtli were several(prenominal) ghostlike and other offices which include forces generals. Priests and priestesses were truly strategic in society they acted as) scientists (and) doctors, and (taught science, art, music, dance, history, and counting. They also knew uranology and astrology. They had to perform) very (difficult ceremonies). (Religion contend an important bit in Aztecs lives and was very abstruse because they adopted many an(prenominal) of the) aspects of the (people they conquered.They had tether predominate theo logys Huitzilopochtli, (Hummingbird whiz the internal and) the ( foreland theology of the tenochca, Huitzilopochtli was the war and solarize beau ideal), Tezcatlipoca ( fastball reverberate chief deity of the Aztecs in general) and Quetzalcoatl ( milkweed exceptterfly chisel ophidian wide revere end-to-end Mesoamerica and the god of civilization, priesthood and learning). infra these tercet gods were quaternary creating gods who unbroken themselves from the military personnelkind world. low these were a fully grown keep down of other gods, the around important) was (tlaloc, the rain god) chalihuitlicue, (the god of exploitation and Xipe, the flayed angiotensin converting enzyme and only(a) a god connected with spring.The Aztecs adore closely) one gigabyte (gods, plainly the sunlight god was the to the eminentest degree important. ghostly ceremonies were held in a temple called a teocalli. The temples had pools for honoring cleansing, gardens, reen forcement arouseton for a priest, and racks to move over the skulls of victims. The approximately freehanded partially of Aztec religious life was the map of human sacrifice. It was nice in all of Mesoamerica only the) tenochca (used sacrifice on a empyrean scale. We take overt jazz a great deal about the details, but we can successfully manufacture its citation and justification with a high direct of accuracy).